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How to contribute

Fixing and reporting bugs

Any identified bugs should be posted as an issue in the respective gitlab repository. Please, include as much detail as possible for the developers, to be able to reproduce the erroneous behavior.

Before you create an issue, make sure it doesn't exist yet.

If the issue exists in the official Gitlab repository, please mention it in your issue.

Contributing code

To support project development check out the development instructions:

Contribution guidelines

Used technology versions

Make sure the tools' versions we use are supported:


Writing tests

This guide simplifies and pinpoints the most important points.

For in-app testing, we are using unit/integration tests written using the Pytest library.

Unit tests are meant to test a specific method/function in an isolated environment (using mocking) while the integration tests check if a unit (method/function) can run even without being isolated. End-to-end tests are testing if all the functionality works across the whole Cryton toolset.

  • Settings for Pytest can be found in a pyproject.toml file
  • Tests (that test the same code part/class) are grouped using classes
  • Each class that works with the Django DB has to be marked with @pytest.mark.django_db
  • Each class should be patched to use the test logger if possible (Core; worker)
  • Unit tests shouldn't interact with the DB.
  • Use the model_bakery library instead of mocking the DB interactions for the integration tests
  • For easier mocking, each test class should have a path class variable. If we are testing a class in path/to/, then the path variable will be path = "". To mock we simply use mocker.patch(self.path + ".<method_to_mock>").
  • We are using the mocker library instead of the unittest.mock.Mock.
  • Each test method starts with the test_ prefix.
  • Each fixture method starts with the f_ prefix.
  • When using parametrize, the created parameters must have the p_ prefix.

A test should follow the following structure.

import pytest

class TestUnitName:
    path = ""

    def f_to_patch(self, mocker):
        return mocker.patch(f"{self.path}.to_patch")

    def test_to_test(self, f_to_patch, p_to_parametrize):
        # Arrange - set everything needed for the test

        # Mock - mock everything needed to isolate your test

        # Act - trigger your code unit

        # Assert - assert the outcome is exactly as expected to avoid any unpleasant surprises later


CLI documentation generation

Install Cryton CLI and run cryton-cli generate-docs

Core REST API documentation generation

Known issues

Using the variable config.site_url on localhost will provide a complete and correct path. However, we are using mike for versioning and the variable on the production deployment will miss a slash (/) at the end.