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Execution statistics

There are special kinds of objects called Executions for every unit in the attack scenario:

  • Plan execution
  • Stage execution
  • Step execution

These are not objects that need to be created by you - instead, they are created when their respective unit is executed. This way the history and results of each execution can be stored.

Every Execution object stores a start and finish time, so it is easy to count the running times of each unit. With Steps the Execution is also a place where the output and results from attack modules are stored.

Plan execution

For every execution of the Plan (on a given Worker) a new Plan execution is created.

The importance of this object is in keeping the history of executions of a given run. This object also connects all other sub-executions (Stage and Step) with the Run.


The following table contains a list of output parameters.

Name Description Type Example
state Current state of the execution. string PENDING
start_time When the execution started. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
pause_time Time of the last pause. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
finish_time When the execution finished. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
schedule_time When is the execution supposed to start. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
aps_job_id ID of the job in scheduler. string abcd-1d2c-abcd-1d2c
run Run of which it is a part of. int 1
worker Which Worker is used for the execution. int 1
evidence_directory In what directory is the evidence saved. string /path/to/evidence/directory


Here is a map of allowed states, transitions, and their description.

PENDING - Every execution starts its lifecycle in this state - it is inactive.

SCHEDULED - Execution with this state will be started at the defined time.

RUNNING - Execution is in progress and its sub-executions are being executed.

PAUSING - If the user decides to pause the execution, it will change its state to PAUSING and wait until the conditions are met.

PAUSED - Once all the sub-executions are paused or in a final state, the execution is marked as PAUSED.

TERMINATING - If the user decides to kill the execution, it will change its state to TERMINATING and wait until the conditions are met.

TERMINATED - Once all the sub-executions are stopped, the execution is marked as TERMINATED.

FINISHED - In this state the execution, and its sub-executions have reached final states.

Stage execution

Stage execution contains execution data for its Stage counterpart.


The following table contains a list of output parameters.

Name Description Type Example
state Current state of the execution. string PENDING
start_time When the execution started. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
pause_time Time of the last pause. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
finish_time When the execution finished. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
schedule_time When is the execution supposed to start. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
aps_job_id ID of the job in scheduler. string abcd-1d2c-abcd-1d2c
trigger_id ID of the trigger on Worker. string abcd-1d2c-abcd-1d2c
plan_execution Plan execution of which it is a part of. int 1


Here is a map of allowed states, transitions, and their description.

PENDING - Every execution starts its lifecycle in this state - it is inactive.

SCHEDULED - Execution with this state will be started at the defined time.

STARTING - Action that requires Worker confirmation is occurring - starting listener.

ERROR - An error occurred during execution start up - unable to start listener.

WAITING - Execution in this state is waiting for its dependencies (other executions) to finish.

AWAITING - Execution is awaiting a trigger activation.

RUNNING - Execution is in progress and its sub-executions are being executed.

PAUSING - If the user decides to pause the execution, it will change its state to PAUSING and wait until the conditions are met.

PAUSED - Once all the sub-executions are paused or in a final state, the execution is marked as PAUSED.

TERMINATING - If the user decides to kill the execution, it will change its state to TERMINATING and wait until the conditions are met.

TERMINATED - Once all the sub-executions are stopped, the execution is marked as TERMINATED.

FINISHED - In this state the execution, and its sub-executions have reached final states.

Step execution

Step execution contains execution data for its Step counterpart.


The following table contains a list of output parameters.

Name Description Type Example
state Current state of the execution. string PENDING
start_time When the execution started. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
pause_time Time of the last pause. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
finish_time When the execution finished. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
result Result of the module execution. string ok
output Received output from the module execution. string created session with id 1.
serialized_output Serializable output from the module execution. dictionary {"session_id": 1}
valid Whether the parameters passed to the module are valid or not. boolean true
stage_execution Stage execution of which it is a part of. int 1


Here is a map of allowed states, transitions, and their description.

PENDING - Every execution starts its lifecycle in this state - it is inactive.

STARTING - Action that requires Worker confirmation is occurring - starting the execution.

RUNNING - Module execution is in progress.

PAUSED - Execution is marked as PAUSED if its Stage execution is pausing and only if its about to be executed next.

TERMINATING - If the user decides to kill the execution, it will change its state to TERMINATING and wait until the conditions are met.

TERMINATED - Once the module execution is stopped, the execution is marked as TERMINATED.

FINISHED - In this state the execution has successfully FINISHED.

ERROR - An unexpected error occurred during the execution.

IGNORED - The conditions to start the execution weren't met.