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Environment setup

First, we have to set up the development environment. This is done using Poetry.


Clone the repository:

git clone

Go to the correct directory:

cd cryton

Start the prerequisites:

docker compose -f docker-compose.prerequisites.yml up -d

Clean up and rebuild the prerequisites


The following commands removes all images and volumes. Make sure you know what you're doing!

docker compose -f docker-compose.prerequisites.yml down -t 0 && docker system prune --all --force && docker volume prune --all --force && docker compose -f docker-compose.prerequisites.yml up -d 
Unable to access the database with Pycharm

To be able to access the DB through the PgBouncer, add the following variable to the service definition in the Compose configuration:


Install Cryton:

poetry install --all-extras --with docs

To spawn a shell use:

poetry shell


Run Hive:

poetry run cryton-hive start --migrate-database

Run Worker:

poetry run cryton-worker start

Run CLI:

poetry run cryton-cli

Link to the usage.



pytest --cov=cryton tests/unit/ --cov-config=.coveragerc-unit --cov-report html
pytest --cov=cryton tests/integration/ --cov-config=.coveragerc-integration --cov-report html
Run specific test


Use in combination with pyenv.

tox -- tests/unit/ --cov=cryton --cov-config=.coveragerc-unit
tox -- tests/integration/ --cov=cryton --cov-config=.coveragerc-integration

Use the provided ci-python image to get an isolated environment.


E2E tests will test Hive, Worker, and CLI together.

Build playground with E2E tests ready:

docker compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.playground.yml -f -f docker-compose.e2e.yml up -d --build

Enter the CLI container:

docker exec -it cryton-cli bash

Run the tests:

/app/.venv/bin/python /app/tests_e2e/ run-tests

Possible tests
  • basic
  • advanced
  • control
  • empire
  • http_trigger
  • msf_trigger
  • datetime_trigger
  • all

Custom script setup with Django

import os
os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "cryton.hive.settings")
import django

Apply migrations

cryton-hive migrate

Generate migrations

cryton-hive makemigrations cryton_app

Build a Docker image

If you want to build a custom Docker image, clone the repository, and switch to the correct directory:

git clone
cd cryton-core

Build the (Core) image:

docker build -t <image-name> --target production .

To build the Apache proxy image use:

docker build -t custom-proxy-image --target proxy .

Test your docker image:

docker run --rm <image-name>


Serve the documentation locally:

mkdocs serve -a localhost:8002

CLI documentation generation

Install Cryton CLI and run cryton-cli generate-docs

Marking changes/new features

Use the following to mark a new feature:

[:octicons-tag-24: 2.1.0]({target="_blank"}

REST API documentation generation

Known issues

Using the variable config.site_url on localhost will provide a complete and correct path. However, we are using mike for versioning and the variable on the production deployment will miss a slash (/) at the end.


Used technology versions

Make sure the tools' versions we use are supported:


Writing tests

This guide simplifies and pinpoints the most important points.

For in-app testing, we are using unit/integration tests written using the Pytest library.

Unit tests are meant to test a specific method/function in an isolated environment (using mocking) while the integration tests check if a unit (method/function) can run even without being isolated. End-to-end tests are testing if all the functionality works across the whole Cryton toolset.

  • Settings for Pytest can be found in a pyproject.toml file
  • Tests (that test the same code part/class) are grouped using classes
  • Each class that works with the Django DB has to be marked with @pytest.mark.django_db
  • Each class should be patched to use the test logger if possible (Core; worker)
  • Unit tests shouldn't interact with the DB.
  • Use the model_bakery library instead of mocking the DB interactions for the integration tests
  • For easier mocking, each test class should have a path class variable. If we are testing a class in path/to/, then the path variable will be path = "". To mock we simply use mocker.patch(self.path + ".<method_to_mock>").
  • We are using the mocker library instead of the unittest.mock.Mock.
  • Each test method starts with the test_ prefix.
  • Each fixture method starts with the f_ prefix.
  • When using parametrize, the created parameters must have the p_ prefix.

A test should follow the following structure.

import pytest

class TestUnitName:
    path = ""

    def f_to_patch(self, mocker):
        return mocker.patch(f"{self.path}.to_patch")

    def test_to_test(self, f_to_patch, p_to_parametrize):
        # Arrange - set everything needed for the test

        # Mock - mock everything needed to isolate your test

        # Act - trigger your code unit

        # Assert - assert the outcome is exactly as expected to avoid any unpleasant surprises later

Docker images


Image used for building Python applications.

Build it:

docker build --tag$(git rev-parse HEAD) --tag docker/production-base/

Push it:

docker push --all-tags


To get the same environment as in the CI/CD pipeline, use the provided ci-python image.

Build it:

docker build --tag$(git rev-parse HEAD) --tag docker/ci-python/

Push it:

docker push --all-tags