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What is Run

When you finally have a Plan instance stored in the database, you can create a new Run.
For every Worker, a new Plan execution is created. The reason behind this is a storage of execution history. This way it is possible to compare results and use of different variables for each execution.


To give you the ability to control your attack plan, here is a list of the supported actions.


Before we do anything, we have to create the Run instance. It is made of Plan instance and a list of Workers.

cryton-cli runs create <plan-id> <worker-id> <worker-id> ...


The basic action you can do is Execute the Run. This will start it instantly. What does that mean?

  • Delta and DateTime triggered Stages are scheduled
  • HTTP/MSF triggers are started on Workers
  • Run state is set to RUNNING
cryton-cli runs execute <run-id>

More information can be found here.

Schedule, Reschedule, Unschedule, Postpone

Schedule action does just that - it schedules an Execute action at a given time. If you want to change the time of your execution, you can still reschedule it or simply unschedule it and leave it in a pending state. You can also postpone your scheduled execution.

cryton-cli runs schedule <run-id> <date> <time>

More information can be found here.

Pause, resume

Anytime during Run execution, you can pause it. To continue the Run, simply issue the resume command.

cryton-cli runs pause <run-id>

More information can be found here.


Terminate (forcefully) Run's execution and its sub-executions.

cryton-cli runs kill <run-id>

More information can be found here.

Validate modules

Check if all the modules used in the Run are present on desired Workers and if their arguments set in the Plan are correct.

cryton-cli runs validate-modules <run-id>

More information can be found here.


The following table contains a list of output parameters.

Name Description Type Example
state Current state of the execution. string PENDING
start_time When the execution started. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
pause_time Time of the last pause. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
finish_time When the execution finished. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
schedule_time When is the execution supposed to start. datetime 2022-07-21T20:37:28.343619Z
aps_job_id ID of the job in scheduler. string abcd-1d2c-abcd-1d2c
plan Which Plan is used for the execution. int 1


Here is a map of allowed states, transitions, and their description.

PENDING - Every execution starts its lifecycle in this state - it is inactive.

SCHEDULED - Execution with this state will be started at the defined time.

RUNNING - Execution is in progress and its sub-executions are being executed.

PAUSING - If the user decides to pause the execution, it will change its state to PAUSING and wait until the conditions are met.

PAUSED - Once all the sub-executions are paused or in a final state, the execution is marked as PAUSED.

TERMINATING - If the user decides to kill the execution, it will change its state to TERMINATING and wait until the conditions are met.

TERMINATED - Once all the sub-executions are stopped, the execution is marked as TERMINATED.

FINISHED - In this state the execution, and its sub-executions have reached final states.