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The current page describes the ideal sequence of steps to use when you want to use Cryton to automate the attacks.


Once you have your infrastructure, install Cryton onto it:

  1. Deploy and start Hive
  2. Deploy and start Worker(s)
  3. Deploy CLI or Frontend
  4. Make sure it works:
    • To ensure your deployment works, try to perform a successful healthcheck on your Worker(s) using CLI, frontend, or possibly REST API
    • Additionally, check the Hive and Worker(s) output if there are any errors


  • In case you are hosting a Cyber defense exercise with an infrastructure for each team, use one Worker per team

Attack planning

Every Run can be described by a simple formula:

plan template + inventory = Plan instance
Plan instance + Worker = Plan execution
Plan instance + Workers = Run

Which results in the following steps:

  1. Design a plan template (scenario)
  2. Create a Plan instance
  3. Register the Worker(s)
  4. Create a Run
  5. Schedule or execute the Run
  6. Get the Run report